Review: FYSETC Steel Sheet for Prusa Mini

Read Review Buy From Amazon Review Overview Ease of Use Quality Durability Value  4.8/5  4.2/5  4.4/5  4.4/5 4.6  4.6/5 OVERALL SCORE Summary I purchased this sheet to test various build plate surfaces.  I found that there are many fewer options for the Mini and the MK3S.  Don’t let the China READ MORE

Prusa Mini Print Surface Shootout: Match 2

Match 2: BCAMD TXT Gold vs Ultrastik TXT Based on my own experiences, I would expect Ultrastik to be superior.  I have three of these for my MK3S printers and I absolutely love them.  They stick very well and the prints are easy to remove.  They also create a fantastic textured first layer.  The Ultrastik is a READ MORE

Prusa Mini Print Surface Shootout: Match 1

Match 1: Prusa Textured vs. TriangleLabs Textured Based on history, I would expect Prusa to wipe the mat with this Chinese cloned bum,  The Prusa Textured is well-loved by the owner of Prusa printers.  It started out on the MK3S and I fell in love instantly.  It is easy to get the first layer and READ MORE

The Prusa Mini Print Surface Sheet: The into

The introduction to a grand test. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Ok, I sort for did this for the MK3S.  I have acquired a number of print surfaces to test.  We all know the Smooth Stick PEI and Textured from Prusa.  I READ MORE